नाड़ी परीक्षण कैसे करें? PULSE DIAGNOSTIC।।

नाड़ी परीक्षण कैसे करें? PULSE DIAGNOSTIC।। • Since ancient times, the system of identifying diseases by looking at human pulse has been going on. In ancient times, there were such knowledgeable people of Vedas who used to tell the condition of a person's body by looking at the pulse and could identify serious diseases by looking at the pulse. • In today's time, science has progressed and knowledge of many subtle things related to a person's body is also being done under many other tests, but in spite of all these things, pulse science has its own special importance and the common man is also aware of it. wants to know a lot. Today we are going to tell you some interesting things related to it. Find out from the pulse rate, which disease do you have? • There is description about Nadi Pariksha in Sharangdhar Samhita, Bhavprakash, Yogaratnakar etc. texts. Maharishi Sushruta could see all the pulses of the whole body with his yogic power. In allopathy, the pulse only...