
عرض الرسائل ذات التصنيف Mantra

Chanting Mantras for Sustainable Living: A Holistic Approach to Environmental Consciousness

Chanting Mantras for Sustainable Living: A Holistic Approach to Environmental Consciousness In a rapidly changing world where environmental concerns take center stage, sustainable living has emerged as a crucial lifestyle choice. It's more than just a passing trend; it's a commitment to safeguarding our planet's future for generations to come. Sustainable living is a multifaceted approach that encompasses mindful consumption, resource conservation, and responsible choices. But what if we could enhance our sustainable living efforts through the practice of chanting mantras, aligning our inner selves with our commitment to the environment? In this article, we'll explore the principles of sustainable living and how incorporating mantras can enrich our connection with the environment, making it even more vital for our well-being and the planet's health. #sustainable living tips are you living a sustainable lifestyle tips for living sustainably best sustaina...

Chants and Mantras in Hindu Dharma. Way to attain spiritual enlightenment and inner peace. Significance of "OM"

Chants and Mantras in Hindu Dharma Hinduism, one of the world's oldest and most diverse religions, encompasses a rich tapestry of rituals, beliefs, and practices. Chants and mantras are integral components of Hindu dharma, serving as powerful tools for spiritual growth, meditation, and connection to the divine. In this article, we delve into the significance and various aspects of chants and mantras in the context of Hinduism. What are Chants and Mantras? Chants and mantras are rhythmic or melodic repetitions of sacred words, syllables, or phrases. These vocal expressions are central to Hindu religious traditions and are used to invoke, praise, or connect with deities, express devotion, and attain spiritual awakening. The terms "chant" and "mantra" are often used interchangeably, but there are subtle differences. A mantra is a specific sound, word, or phrase, often derived from ancient Sanskrit texts, that holds profound spiritual significance. Mantras are belie...

श्रीमद भगवद पुराण चौदहवाँ अध्याय[स्कंध४] (वेणु का राज्याभिषेक )

विषय सूची [श्रीमद भागवद पुराण] श्रीमद भागवद पुराण [introduction] •  श्रीमद भागवद पुराण [मंगला चरण] श्रीमद भागवद पुराण [स्कंध १] •  श्रीमद भागवद पुराण [स्कंध २] •  श्रीमद भागवद पुराण [स्कंध ३] श्रीमद भागवद पुराण [स्कंध ४] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   *प्रभात दर्शन*   ~~~~~~~~ तेरा संगी कोई नहीं   सब स्वारथ बंधी लोइ,   मन परतीति न उपजै   जीव बेसास न होइ।। भावार्थ:-   कोई किसी का साथी नहीं है, सब मनुष्य स्वार्थ में बंधे हुए हैं, जब तक इस बात की प्रतीति-भरोसा मन में उत्पन्न नहीं होता, तब तक आत्मा के प्रति विशवास जाग्रत नहीं होता। अर्थात वास्तविकता का ज्ञान न होने से मनुष्य संसार में रमा रहता है। जब संसार के सच को जान लेता है और इस स्वार्थमय सृष्टि को समझ लेता है, तब ही अंतरात्मा की ओर उन्मुख होकर भीतर झांकता है !   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ श्रीमद भगवद पुराण चौदहवाँ अध्याय[स्कंध४] (वेणु का राज्याभिषेक ) दोहा- अंग सुमन जिमि वेनु को, राज्य मिला ज्यों आय। चौदहवें अध्याय में, दिया वृतांत वताय।...