
عرض الرسائل ذات التصنيف #callouthinduphobia

#TheKashmirFiles #KashmirHinduGenocide #HinduGenocide #callouthinduphobia

#KashmirFiles  #KashmirHinduGenocide  #HinduGenocide  #callouthinduphobia One thing we were all certain of, when #KashmirFiles was released was that, in the Islamic Republic of Goat’s Own Country, it would never be allowed to be screened. Surprisingly or perhaps there was a certain coaxing by the Centre. The film opened in 2 theatres in Thiruvananthapuram and Thrishur. The anti Hindu lobby, immediately, swung into action using every inch of their vast propaganda machinery to down play the movie as facist lies, calling the KPs liars, sending out tweets and RTIs from the Kashmir Police who was part and party to the genocide of Hindus in Kashmir, denying that this ethnicide actually happened. Some even claimed that the Kashmiri Muslims who suffered and died were more in number than the Hindus. If that was the case why is it that it was the Hindus who live in exile and cannot go back still? Deafening Silence is the answer you get.. Tatwamayi News, A growing nation...