Bali was killed by Prabhu Shri Ram: Ram Katha

 Bali was killed by Prabhu Shri Ram.

Till today hundreds of people have written 'Ram Katha' but no one has written that 'Angad' had any animosity towards Shri Ram Jai who killed his father or had any tendency of revenge in his mind but towards Ramji.  He had great respect in his heart.  Angad was a believer of Lord Rama and his love interest all his life.  Ramji never doubted on behalf of Angad that Angad could avenge his father's murder.     Before his death, Bali told Lord Rama that you should treat my son Angad and brother Sugriva as you treat your brothers Bharat and Lakshmana.    Think how great all these people were and how high were their ideals that for the brother who got Bali killed, Bali is saying that Ram!  You give it your brother's affection and so much faith in your killer that you are leaving your only son in his trust and on the other hand Angad does not have any animosity towards his father's killer because he knew that Rama was the representative of Dharma  .    And Ram!  Giving Abhay to Bali's son and his mother, he gets them all their rights.  Angad becomes Yuvraj and Tara becomes Patrani.

 Till today hundreds of people have written 'Ram Katha' but no one has written that 'Angad' had any animosity towards Shri Ram Jai who killed his father or had any tendency of revenge in his mind but towards Ramji.  He had great respect in his heart.  Angad was a believer of Lord Rama and his love interest all his life.  Ramji never doubted on behalf of Angad that Angad could avenge his father's murder.

 Before his death, Bali told Lord Rama that you should treat my son Angad and brother Sugriva as you treat your brothers Bharat and Lakshmana.

 Think how great all these people were and how high were their ideals that for the brother who got Bali killed, Bali is saying that Ram!  You give it your brother's affection and so much faith in your killer that you are leaving your only son in his trust and on the other hand Angad does not have any animosity towards his father's killer because he knew that Rama was the representative of Dharma  .

 And Ram!  Giving Abhay to Bali's son and his mother, he gets them all their rights.  Angad becomes Yuvraj and Tara becomes Patrani.

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Bali was killed by Prabhu Shri Ram: Ram Katha

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