Whenever I am doing some religious practice, a lot of negative, lustful and disgusting thoughts are roaming in my mind. I can't stop thinking. What should I do?

This happens, and happens to many, I was also not an exception. Infact, this condition is completely mine as described.

But believe me, steadily your faith develops, you find the way on your own and get rid of all these problems and distractions.

No need to worry.

No need to feel bad (but it is normal to feel guilty) but no issues, strong will power and focusing on right path leads to success.

But suppressing thoughts is also not an option. You need to clear all the things, revolving in your mind and find a better clarification of all these but don't supress, just do what your soul wants to.

One more thing

You won't attain moksha or spirituality until you get rid of all your desires,

Fulfill your desires to get into the Bhakti.

Hari omॐ

Find the truthfulness in you, get the real you, power up yourself with divine blessings, dump all your sins...via... Shrimad Bhagwad Mahapuran🕉


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