
  She is Rani Chennamma, the ruler of Keladi from Karnataka. Aurangzeb was her contemporary. Marathas and Mughals were already in conflict then. Maratha prince Rajaram, son of Chhatrapati Shivaji, sought refuge from Rani Chennamma in Keladi. The Rani knew that if she gave shelter to Rajaram, the Mughals would certainly attack her kingdom. Yet she wasn't bothered. She agreed. She welcomed Rajaram with the warmest of hospitality. She not only gave him shelter but also facilitated his safe escape to Jinji Fort. (Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj had defeated the Bijapuri Sultanate forces in 1677 and captured Jinji fort). Aurangzeb had sent a messenger to Rani Chennamma ordering her to handover Rajaram to him. But the Rani refused. Aurangzeb sent a huge army. Rani Chennamma was fully prepared for the war. The brave Keladi soldiers led by the queen were almost winning the battle when clever Mughals, sensing defeat, proposed for peace. And a peace treaty was signed. Rani Chennamma also defeate...
Tribute to freedom fighter Kalpana Datta on her birth anniversary. She was born this day, the 27th of July in 1913 in then Bengal province. Kalpana Datta completed her matriculation in 1929 in Chittagong and thereafter went to Calcutta for her higher studies. She joined Chhatri Sangha, a student organization that believed in the use of arms for driving the British out of the motherland. Chhatri Sangha was co-founded by 15-year-old Santi Ghosh; she, then aged 16 along with Suniti Choudhury, aged 15, assassinated British district magistrate Charles Geoffrey Buckland Stevens. Chhatri Sangha was closely associated with the Jugantar Party, a secret group that masterminded the assassination of many British officers. The episode of Santi Ghosh and Suniti Choudhury is described in Chapter 52 of #SaffronSwords (https://www.amazon.in/Saffron-Swords-Authors-Manoshi-Yogaditya/dp/B07Q139493). Kalpana Datta also joined the Indian Republican Army of Surya Sen (Master Da). She was part of the team of ...

क्या था रावण की नाभि में अमृत का रहस्य? तंत्र- एक विज्ञान।तंत्रिका कोशिका।

तंत्र--रावण की नाभि में अमृत।। To read in English click here....𑀕𑀕𑀕𑀕 What was the secret of nectar in Ravana's navel?  Tantra - a science. शरीर की दो अवस्थाएं होती हैं।  शरीर की जब शरीर को जल अपने अंदर नहीं डुबोता, एक होती है निष्प्राण-- मृत शरीर तैरते रहते हैं।  दूसरी होती है निश्चेष्ट, यानी चेष्टा रहित शरीर भी जल में तैरते रहते हैं, जिसे आप तैरना मानते हैं वह क्रिया है, एक क्रिया मात्र जो तैरना नहीं है, अपितु डूबने से बचने की एक चेष्टा मात्र है। योग में कुछ क्रियाएं हैं।   उस दिन मैंने कहा कि एक योगी ही सही तांत्रिक हो सकता है या एक तांत्रिक क्रिया योग का जाननहारा, वे क्रियाएं ऐसी हैं जहां प्राण को यत्नपूर्वक नाभि में रोका जा सके, रावण यह विद्या भली प्रकार जानता था, इसीलिए उसके नाभि में अमृत होने की बात फैलाई गई। इस कला के चलते, ऐसा नहीं है कि वह अजय था। यह कालांतर में प्रसिद्ध किया गया, जबकि सत्य यह है कि उस समय भी अनेकों थे जो यदा कदा मौका मिलते ही रावण को कूटते पीटते रहते थे, इसपर चर्चा फिर कभी। उस समय एक ही चारा था कि वह अपने प्र...

What was the secret of nectar (amrit) in Ravana's navel? Tantra - a science.

 What was the secret of nectar (amrit) in Ravana's navel?  Tantra - a science. Read here in Hindi Tantra - the nectar in Ravana's navel.  There are two states of the body.  When the body is not immersed in water by the body, it becomes lifeless – dead bodies float on.  The second is nischeshta , that is, even the body without effort floats in water, what you consider to be swimming is action, an action which is not just swimming, but just an attempt to avoid drowning.  There are some kriyas in yoga.  That day I said that only a yogi can be a true Tantrik or a Tantric knower of Kriya Yoga , those actions are such where the prana can be stopped in the navel, Ravana knew this very well, that is why there is a possibility of having nectar in his navel.  The word was spread.  Because of this art, it is not that he was invincible.  It was made famous over time, while the truth is that there were many at that time who used to beat Ra...

Women Education in Ancient India. Satyug (Golden Age)

  Madhava Samhita on Parashara Smriti says Yopanayanam krutwa pashcad vivaham karoti sa brahmavadini | tathaiva ya prathamata upanayanam krutwa sadya eva vivaham vidhaya tato vedamadhite sa sadyovadhuh  योपनायणं कृत्वा पशकद विवाहं करोती सा ब्रह्मवादिनी |  तथाैव या प्रथमाता उपनयनं कृत्वा सद्य एव विवाहं विद्या ततो वेदमधिते सा सद्योवधू This means - She who studies Vedas after upanayana and then gets married is brahmavadini, she who gets married immediately after upanayana and then studies Vedas is sadyovadhu. This goes on to show that women were eligible to both the sacred threading ceremony as well as the Vedic studies in ancient times. This also means that women are also eligible to Gayatri Upadesha and to learn the Gayatri Mantra, because any person who has gone through the Yajnopavitam ceremony is eligible for Gayatri Upadesha. So, denying the women rights to study vedic knowledge, to Yajnopavitam Sanskara and Gayatri Upadesha is un-Vedic. In the Vedas there is not ...

Why idol worship is criticized? Need to know idol worshipping.

मनुष्य के वर्तमान जन्म के ऊपर पिछले जन्म अथवा जन्मों के प्रभाव का दस्तावेज है। तांत्रिक यानी शरीर विज्ञान आचार्य वात्स्यायन और शरीर विज्ञान। तंत्र--एक कदम और आगे।  नाभि से जुड़ा हुआ एक आत्ममुग्ध तांत्रिक। Why idol worship is criticized? Wherever I see, I find many questions about idol worshipping. If one or two saints or more, negates idol worshipping, it doesn't mean it's not worth. It varies with every being, we have different levels of spirituality. Right? So one will start from where one can. It is simple. We always start anything with the starting point. Same is with our faith,  spirituality and devotion too. It's nowhere mentioned in Hindu Dharma, to not do the idol worship. It is done by a starter, to start a faith building in God. When you began, anything, you need to have something to start with. Yes we all know, Brahma is nirvikar, nirakar. But still you won't be able to focus or start it without any physical structure to attract t...

Whenever I am doing some religious practice, a lot of negative, lustful and disgusting thoughts are roaming in my mind. I can't stop thinking. What should I do?

This happens, and happens to many, I was also not an exception. Infact, this condition is completely mine as described. But believe me, steadily your faith develops, you find the way on your own and get rid of all these problems and distractions. No need to worry. No need to feel bad (but it is normal to feel guilty) but no issues, strong will power and focusing on right path leads to success. But suppressing thoughts is also not an option. You need to clear all the things, revolving in your mind and find a better clarification of all these but don't supress, just do what your soul wants to. One more thing You won't attain moksha or spirituality until you get rid of all your desires, Fulfill your desires to get into the Bhakti. Hari omॐ Find the truthfulness in you, get the real you, power up yourself with divine blessings, dump all your sins...via... Shrimad Bhagwad Mahapuran🕉