How do I balance between life and bhakti?

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How do I balance between life and bhakti? Many times I forget to read or listen to Hari Katha amidst my routine. What steps can make my devotion towards Krishna concrete?

You have to make some strict changes towards your routine.  Sacrifice your needs, sleep to make it regular. Till you achieve the phase, where, you find Krishna in everything you do.  Once you achieve that phase reading or listening to Hari katha doesn't necessarily bothers you. You find him inside you, everywhere, everytime, around you.  And you will be Universe yourself.

You have to make some strict changes towards your routine.
Sacrifice your needs, sleep to make it regular. Till you achieve the phase, where, you find Krishna in everything you do.
Once you achieve that phase reading or listening to Hari katha doesn't necessarily bothers you. You find him inside you, everywhere, everytime, around you.
And you will be Universe yourself.
Hope you got it.

One most important thing that I heard from a Saint. That actually drove me to make strict efforts towards reading is….

Dharma ke prati kabhi pramad (alasya) mt krna.
धर्म के प्रति कभी प्रमाद (आलस्य) मत करना।।
जय श्री कृष्ण ॐ

श्री कृष्ण के वस्त्रावतार का रहस्य।।

मंदिर सरकारी चंगुल से मुक्त कराने हैं?

यज्ञशाला में जाने के सात वैज्ञानिक लाभ।। 

सनातन व सिखी में कोई भेद नहीं।

सनातन-संस्कृति में अन्न और दूध की महत्ता पर बहुत बल दिया गया है !

Astonishing and unimaginable facts about Sanatana Dharma (HINDUISM)

सनातन धर्म के आदर्श पर चल कर बच्चों को हृदयवान मनुष्य बनाओ।

Why idol worship is criticized? Need to know idol worshipping.

तंत्र--एक कदम और आगे। नाभि से जुड़ा हुआ एक आत्ममुग्ध तांत्रिक।

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